Friday 3 November 2017

BFI Southbank Talk

I got these notes from Rob Miller's talk on the OCR and Eduqas A level media course:

What makes a mainstream film?

  • Star Marketing
  • High Budget 
  • Established Director
  • CGI
  • Known company behind the film (Disney)
  • Family Friendly
  • High Quality Soundtrack
  • Wide/saturated distrubution (distrubuted all over the world)
  • Safe genre(a film easily marketed to audiences)
  • 1 of the Big Six
What makes a independent film?

  • Niche marketing, small target audience
  • No CGI
  • Regional representation
  • Not meant to be entertaining, meant to show a political message
  • Funded by a range of different organisations
  • Crowd funding smaller independent films
  • Low budget
  • On location shooting, no studio work
  • Not a safe genre, social realism
  • More critical success (Awards + Reviews) than commercial succes
Key Terms For Film:

Distribution / Distributer : Getting films out to cinemas, like disney being the distributer

Digital Technology : Social media marketting

Synergy : 2 organisations / 2 parts of a film working together. Straight Outta Compton - film helping the music sell and vice versa.

Convergence : Where a film is available/consumed and can be merketted on a number of cross media platforms.

Straight Outta Compton:
Is it a mainstream film or not?

  • Black American history
  • Synergy - music and film sell each other
  • Semi star marketing (Dr Dre, Eazy E and Ice Cube)
  • Political statements (Institutional Racism)
  • Global distribution by the Big Six
  • Young male target audience
  • Emotive representation
  • Little man VS Bigger man story
  • Highest grossing music biopic ever
  • Medium production budget ( $50m budget)

Video Games:
David Gauntlett: 'Video Games dont have an audience do they'
Growing older gaming demographic

Key Terms For Video Games:
AAA games : high production/marketed games
Publisher : Distributer of the game
Developer : Maker
Designer : People working with the games software
PEGI : Video game classification
Engine : A program used to build a game off of
Oligopoly : A group of companies that make a AAA game together

Minecraft -
Started as Indie, became huge
125 million copies sold
14 -25 , ABC demographic

Assassins Creed III -
Violence Sells 
Asperational PEGI rating 18, people want to play an 18 to see what passes as an 18

Conventions of a tabloid:

  • Restricted Language Code
  • Dramatised facts
  • High ration to photographs compared to text
  • Varied Fonts
  • Subjective Epistemologies - opinionated ways of telling a story

1 company owns most local newspapers in the UK, Trinity Mirror

Soft news - Celeb news, Not very hard hitting, TV analysis, Sport, Voyeuristic Crime
Hard news - Economy, Boring news, Education, Politics, Health care, Business

We media - Public reporting the news through social media before news publications can.

Zoo format - Bits and Pieces , Presenter lead e.g. Nick Grimshaw (Radio 1)

Kiss, huge competition to Radio 1 Breakfast show
PSB - Public Service Broadcasting (BBC)

1 comment:

  1. Great work Luke, these will be useful. Add the industry label also.
