What is an advert?
An Advert is a public notice designed to sell a product or inform an audience. Their point is to change the thinking pattern of the buyer to influence the buyer to get the product.
- Three similar adverts to our own. Our Advert is focussed around Aftershave marketing towards young teenagers (10/11 year olds)
Our (James, Molly S, Ryan, Grace and I) Aftershave Product is a product aimed at young teenagers wanting to be older. Our brand name is Evolve, with our USP being that no other aftershave on the market brands itself to kids , so we try to make it appealing with the main theme being wanting to feel older and more adult.
We had to assign roles to everyone in our group so we did so accordingly -
- Directors - Mollie and I
- Camera Man - James
- Editor - Ryan and Mollie
- Production assistant - Grace
- Actors - Ryan and Charlie (Mollies Brother)
Scene 1 (Bathroom) : Tuesday Afterschool
Scene 2 (Bus Stop) : Monday Afterschool
Scene 3 (Link Corridor) : Monday Afterschool
Scene 4 (Classroom) : Monday Afterschool
Scene 5 (Race) : Tuesday Period 2/Afterschool
Scene 6 (Backpack) : Tuesday Period 2
PLAN: Prop List - Evolve Aftershave Bottle, Backpack , Kids Slippers , School books, Pencil cases and stationery and random items to line the inside of the bag at the end of the advert.
Costume - Suit, School uniforms, Running and exercise gear
Cast - Ryan Gregory as Main Kid ( Older ), Charlie Sims as Main Kid ( Younger ) and an assortment of secondary/background characters.
Music - Mr Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra.
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